Friday, 5 November 2010

Successes and failures...

....I say failures, but in all honesty, there haven't really been any this week.
OK, so I didn't finish the 1st draft of book 2 (despite the finest intentions), before the arrival of young Stanley Edson, but frankly I'm not going to give myself the hardest time about it.

Having spent the past couple of months bricking it about our ever-expanding brood, it was frankly a relief to see the wee man arrive safely. And now that he is here, the fog has lifted a bit. I've managed to read and enjoy some of a book for the first time in ages (Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin). Ridiculous I know, but I've really missed being able to just concentrate for a few minutes.

The writing has felt similarly enjoyable. I've not covered myself in glory, but I've chipped away at a chapter, come up with an idea for a school event and had some really positive feedback on what I have written of the new book.
It's really nerve-wracking letting someone read what you're working on, and a lot of authors don't let anyone in until draft one is complete and polished, but for me, a bit of a confidence boost mid-draft really helps, even if the feedback is 'it's a bit sketchy'....

So, the sleep patterns are going to be a bit out of kilter the next few weeks - did I say weeks, I mean months, but I'm well set to push on and deliver in time for Christmas.
I didn't just promise that, did I?
Ask me again in a month.......